Date: 16th Dec'12 to 19th Dec'12
(travel days excluded). The bookings for Jamnagar / Khijadia / Narara
bird-watching trip are on… your seats now (see the details at the
end).....Birdwatch in one of the most Bird-rich areas with Nature India...where thousands of birds can be seen at ease...... This trip is also Strongly recommended to those who are New to Birding :-) ........... Please See complete details (Itinerary, Charges etc) at the end of this Blog.
JAMNAGAR - Effortless Birding Experience

Several migratory birds make Jamnagar their home during the winter months. Bird watchers flock to different places like the Sanctuaries, Coastal regions, Salt pans, rivers & water reservoirs of Jamnagar. The checklist shows more than 400 species.... Thanks to the varied habitat…....

Places like Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Lakota Lake right in the heart of the city, Narara beach, Bedi Bunder
and the water reservoirs surrounding the town offer excellent place to
view & photograph birds. Almost every water body in and around
the town is dotted by remarkable species of birds which are now
accustomed to the friendly neighborhood.
If you are arriving in Jamnagar by train, especially in winter, you are sure to see wonderful birdsright near the station, as you step down from the train.
Please go through some of these links to know more about birding in Jamnagar.
Read previous trip report..
Nature India announces an exclusive and effortless bird-watching trip to this wonderland from 16th Dec to 19th Dec, 2012…. The details are given at the end. Amongst the places that we intend to cover are Khijadiya Bird Sanctuary, Narara beach, Lakhota Lake & Bedi Bunder Area.
less than an hour’s drive from the town (12 kms) is a renowned Khijadia
Bird Sanctuary which many city dwellers are unaware of.

protected area packs in an incredible diversity of ecosystems into the
relatively small area of 6 The sanctuary, created over the 1920s
and '30s, is formed from two man-made dykes that separate fresh water
from sea water, creating the opportunity to simultaneously observe
species that belong to each ecosystem, and some that share both.

Along with the marine and fresh water habitats, there are also marshy lands, mangroves, Prosopis areas, mudflats, salt pans, creeks, forest scrub, sandy beaches, and even farmlands bordering the area. This provides a haven for more than 220 species of resident and migratory birds, including globally threatened species such as Dalmatian pelican, Asian open bill stork, Black-necked stork, Darter, Black-headed ibis, Eurasian spoonbill, and Indian skimmer, and provides birdwatchers with a delightful chance to sight rare birds in large numbers.

Watching the arrival of the Cranes during sunset for roosting is a fantastic experience. You can spot thousands of wintering Common and Demoiselle cranes, and other water birds includingFlamingos, Pelicans, Gulls, Ducks, Storks, Waders, Geese and theendangered Indian Skimmers. The Black-necked stork nesting can also be seen here. Method of Birdwatching is to walk along the dam. It is a refreshing change from riding in jeeps.


Narara beach is acclaimed as one of the only place in India where one can watch the rare Crab Plovers in large numbers and a variety of waders at close range.

It is one of the cleanest beach where live corals still exist and easy to explore on foot. As you walk in shallow waters during the low tide, you are often surrounded by Star fish, Sea cucumbers, Brain corals, Crabs, Sponges, Sea anemones etc…..walking along and exploring the corals along with birding is a unique experience indeed.

Dhichda is also an excellent birding area, with lots of water bodies. Dhichda can be reached by taking a derour after the village of Bedi from the road turning left before the entry road of Bedi Port.

Date: 16th Dec 2012 09:00 am to 19th Dec 2012 15.00 pm (travel days excluded)
Mode of Travel: Train uptil Jamnagar and local travel by Jeeps.
Overnight train travel can be booked from Mumbai.....
however since it is a busy sector, the train bookings should be done
soon to get the desired train and class .... there are just a couple of
trains available for Jamnagar from Mumbai....Nature India can ASSIST in bookings if required.
Tour Itinerary:
1) Saturday 15th Dec, 2012: Departure from Mumbai by Saurashtra Janata Express train at 17:35 pm
2) Sunday 16th Dec, 2012:
Arrive at Jamnagar at 09:35 - Checkin hotel & Refresh /
Breakfast (really fast) – Visit Lakhota Lake for a relaxing birding –
Lunch – Visit Dhichda Area – Return - Revision & Discussion of
day's sightings – Dinner and stay at Jamnagar.
3) Monday 17th Dec, 2012: Early morning Birdwatching in Khijadia Bird Sanctuary – Visit Ranjitsagar Dam – return for Lunch – Visit Bedi Bunder area – Return - Revision & Discussion of day's sightings – Dinner and stay at Jamnagar.
4) Tuesday 18th Dec, 2012: Morn. Birding at Balachhadi (sea shore) - lunch - Visit Narara beach for Corals and sighting Crab Plovers, Oysterctachers and Other waders - Revision & Discussion of day's sightings – Dinner and stay at Jamnagar.
5) Wednesday 19th Dec, 2012: Morn. Birding at Lakhota lake for Ducks, Gulls, Terns & other birds - Lunch - checkout and board 19018, Saurashtra Janata Exp. for Mumbai at 13:40
6) Thursday 20th Dec, 2012: Reach Mumbai early morn. by 5.30
6) Thursday 20th Dec, 2012: Reach Mumbai early morn. by 5.30
More details on the iterinary will be given to those who register.....
Trip charges: Rs.8800/- (Jamnagar to Jamnagar only)....
Includes Stay in Hotel at Jamnagar on a twin sharing basis in non-A/C rooms, Local transport by Jeeps or Tempo traveller, Park entry charges, Local guide charges, Delicious Vegetarian food, Articles on Khijadia and Jamnagar Birding, Bird checklist, on board unlimited mineral water and snacks……
Trip charges: Rs.8800/- (Jamnagar to Jamnagar only)....
Includes Stay in Hotel at Jamnagar on a twin sharing basis in non-A/C rooms, Local transport by Jeeps or Tempo traveller, Park entry charges, Local guide charges, Delicious Vegetarian food, Articles on Khijadia and Jamnagar Birding, Bird checklist, on board unlimited mineral water and snacks……

This does not include train travel from Mumbai to Jamnagar & Back or any other charges and also any individual camera charges ....Individuals will have to pay additional charges if any to the forest dept. as per the rules.
Registration: You can register by sending a confirmatory mail to and by paying a non refundable Advance of Rs.4000/-
(The seats will only be confirmed after receiving the advance amount & our registration confirmation by email) …..the remaining amount will be collected in train on the day of travel.......Please Register soon to get the confirmed train bookings and the desired class of travel. We can assist you for train bookings.
Resource Persons: Mr.Adesh Shivkar & Mr.Mandar Khadilkar
Resource Persons: Mr.Adesh Shivkar & Mr.Mandar Khadilkar
Mode of Payment: You can either
1) Transfer the advance money directly to my HDFC A/c : (please call for A/c no.) .... please mention your name, date and other details….
2) Courier a cheque of Rs.4000/- to the following address
Name: Mr. Mandar Khadilkar
Address: Flat No.2, Blossom Apt., LM Road, Below Shantighan Hospital, Kandarpada,
Dahisar (West), Mumbai-400068
2) Courier a cheque of Rs.4000/- to the following address
Name: Mr. Mandar Khadilkar
Address: Flat No.2, Blossom Apt., LM Road, Below Shantighan Hospital, Kandarpada,
Dahisar (West), Mumbai-400068
Please Note:
1) Once registered, the advance amount of Rs. 4000/- is strictly non-refunadable
2) Alcohol & Smoking is strictly prohibited on Nature India Tours
4) Kindly register on this trip only if you agree with Nature India's rules and policies
1) Once registered, the advance amount of Rs. 4000/- is strictly non-refunadable
2) Alcohol & Smoking is strictly prohibited on Nature India Tours
3) Nest photography or any collection of specimens is prohibited
Please contact us, in case you need any clarification …..
For any other queries we are available on 9869071091 / 9820455713 (Adesh) or 9930318665 / 9967518665 (Mandar) or
Hope to see you for this wonderful trip !!
Thanks for your patience.
Warm Regards,
Adesh Shivkar & Mandar Khadilkar
Nature India
Appreciate, Respect & Conserve

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